Pengembangan lintasan belajar limas untuk mengembangkan kemampuan spasial siswa melalui pendidikan matematika realistik berbantuan GeoGebra

Ulfa Meirida, Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
Rahmah Johar, Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
Anizar Ahmad, Department of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan lintasan belajar pada materi limas untuk menumbuhkan kemampuan spasial siswa melalui pendidikan matematika realistik. Penelitian ini merupakan design research yang memuat tiga tahap, yaitu preparing for the experiment, the teaching experiment, dan retrospective analysis. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII di salah satu SMP di Aceh Besar, Indonesia. Uji coba terhadap Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) siklus 1 dilakukan secara offline dengan melibatkan tiga siswa, sementara uji coba Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) siklus 2 dilakukan secara online dengan melibatkan 10 siswa. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa lembar aktivitas siswa, lembar observasi, pedoman wawancara, catatan lapangan, dan rekaman video pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menghasilkan lintasan belajar limas yang diperoleh dari merevisi HLT dengan cara memperbanyak tampilan contoh-contoh limas dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, menggambar lebih banyak jaring-jaring limas, mengurutkan pola dalam menemukan rumus jumlah diagonal bidang, dan menayangkan animasi 3D melalui GeoGebra. Lintasan belajar limas dimulai dari melukis limas, menggambar jaring-jaring limas, menemukan rumus berkaitan dengan hubungan antar unsur-unsur limas, menemukan rumus luas permukaan limas, dan menemukan rumus volume limas. Lintasan belajar yang dikembangkan secara teoritis dapat menumbuhkan kemampuan spasial siswa melalui pendidikan matematika realistik pada materi limas.


Development of pyramid learning trajectory to promote students' spatial ability through realistic mathematics education assisted by GeoGebra


This study aimed to produce a learning trajectory in pyramid material to foster students' spatial ability through realistic mathematics education. This is design research which consists of three stages, namely experimental preparation, teaching experiment, and retrospective analysis. The research subjects were students of class VIII in a junior high school in Aceh Besar, Indonesia. The trial of Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) for cycle 1 that was performed offline involved three students and the trial of Hypothetical Learning Trajectory (HLT) for cycle 2 that was performed online involved 10 students. The instruments for data collection were student activity sheet (worksheet), observation sheet, interview protocol, field note, and learning video recording. The research produced a pyramid learning trajectory obtained from revising HLT by presenting more pyramid models in everyday life, drawing more pyramid nets, recognizing patterns in determining the number of face diagonal, and displaying 3D animations through GeoGebra. The pyramid learning trajectory started from drawing a pyramid, drawing the net of a pyramid, finding formulas related to the relationship between pyramid elements, finding the formula for the surface area of a pyramid, and finding the formula for the volume of a pyramid. The developed learning trajectory, theoretically, could foster students’ spatial ability through realistic mathematics education on the learning material about pyramid.


Lintasan belajar; limas; kemampuan spasial; pendidikan matematika realistik; learning trajectory; pyramid; spatial ability; realistic mathematics education

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