Keefektifan cooperative learning CRH dan NHT ditinjau dari sikap dan prestasi belajar matematika siswa
Ali Mahmudi, Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Jalan Colombo No. 1, Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Kata kunci: pembelajaran kooperatif, CRH, NHT, sikap siswa terhadap matematika, prestasi belajar matematika siswa
The effectieveness of cooperative learning CRH and NHT in terms of attitudes and mathematics learning achievement of students
This study aims to describe the effectiveness of cooperative learning Course Review Horay (CRH) type and Numbered Heads Together (NHT) type in terms of student’s attitudes toward mathematics and mathematics learning achievement. This study was a quasi-experimental study using the pretest-posttest non-equivalent group design. It involved two experimental groups. The data collecting instruments consisted of a mathematics learning achievement test and questionnaires for students’ attitudes towards mathematics. To test the effectiveness of the mathematics learning through the CRH and NHT cooperative learning model, the one-sample t-test was carried out. Then, to compare the effectiveness of the two model, the data were analyzed using the T2 Hotelling test, and the independent t test to find out which of the two model was more effective. The results of the study show that mathematics learning through the CRH and NHT cooperative learning is effective in terms of student’s attitudes toward mathematics and mathematics learning achievement and the CRH cooperative learning model is more effective than the NHT cooperative learning model in terms of student’s attitudes toward mathematics and mathematics achievement of student’s.
Keywords: cooperative learning, CRH, NHT, student’s attitude toward mathematics, mathematics achievement of student’s.Keywords
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