Psycho-educational group leaders through the homeroom approach: A systematic literature review

Moch. Syihabudin Nuha, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Henny Indreswari, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Khairul Bariyyah, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia


Guidance and counseling services can be done through the form of individual or group. A group shall be led by a counselor who has been previously trained in guidance and counseling. A leader must choose a leadership style with priority given to the achievement of goals within the group such as achieving cohesion within the group. The homeroom approach is how a counselor is able to create a group atmosphere of intervention, like a family atmosphere or a home atmosphere. The study aimed to review the reseach of homeroom intervention in guidance and counseling. The literature review is carried out in five stages: formulation of research questions, search for literature, processing of data, and assessment of the quality of filtering received and not received. A total of 100 articles were identified and subjected to PRISMA analysis, resulting in the selection of 12 articles for further in-depth examination. The criteria for articles included discussions on group leadership, counseling groups, strategies in group leadership, targeting students and guidance and counseling teachers in 2013-2023. The results showed that the homeroom approach can be considered as one of the group leader's qualifications. A group leader must have the ability to listen actively, receive, pay attention, create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, connect among members. A homeroom approach can facilitate the group leader to create an atmosphere of warm, welcoming, safe and comfortable within the group dynamics.


Group leader; Homeroom approach; Psycho-educational group

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