Call for Papers

Lingua Pedagogia is a peer-reviewed journal that seeks to advance knowledge and practice in all areas of EFL teaching. The journal publishes empirical, theoretical, methodological, and practice-oriented articles and book reviews covering topics relevant to EFL teaching biannually. Particular consideration is given to empirical (research-based) articles using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodology.

We are currently seeking new articles in the particular area of English language education for our next issue (September 2019).  All manuscripts must be submitted online using our Open Journal System (OJS), but if you are unfamiliar with the system you can send your manuscripts in doc., docx, or rtf. to

If you are also interested in becoming a reviewer for Lingua Pedagogia, please email an expression of interest to the managing editor:  Ashadi ( or with a brief bio, your CV and a note of interest in being a reviewer. Please include in your message a brief list of your research areas.

For more information about Lingua Pedagogia,

Lingua Pedagogia Management