Model pembelajaran proyek bermuatan budaya lokal dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal dan visual-spasial
Penetian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: struktur, kelayakan, dan efektiftas model pembelajaran proyek dengan muatan budaya lokal dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan interpersonal dan visual-spasial anak. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model ADDIE. Model pengembangan ADDIE terdiri dari lima tahap yaitu: Analyze (analisis), design (perancangan), develop (pengembangan), implement (implementasi), dan evaluate (evaluasi). Teknik analisis data menggunakan independent t-test. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) struktur pengembangan berupa langkah-langkah model pembelajaran, silabus, RPPM, RPPH, buku panduan guru, (2) produk hasil pengembangan ditinjau dari konsep teori dan media dinyatakan layak digunakan dengan memberikan skor rata-rata “Baik”, (3) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil pre perlakuan dan post perlakuan pada kecerdasan interpersonal dan visual-spasial anak kelompok B TK Aisyiah Bustanul Athfal.
Developing project study model local culture content in increasing interpersonal and visual-spatial intelligence
This research aimed to identify: (1) the structure, the feasibility and the effectiveness of the project learning model with the content of local culture in improving the interpersonal and visual-spatial intelligence of the child. The development model which was used in this research was ADDIE model. The development model consisted of five steps, that was: analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. Data analysis technique using independent t-test. The conclusion of the development of project learning model with the content of local culture obtained in this research was: (1) development structure was in the form of learning model steps, syllabus, RPPM, RPPH, teacher manual, (2) development result product from the concept of theory and Media is considered feasible to be used by getting the average score of "Good", (3) there is a significant difference between pre treatment and post treatment result on interpersonal and visual-spatial intelligence of children of group B TK Aisyiah Bustanul Athfal, so that the use of project learning model with local culture content is said to be effective in improving the interpersonal and visual-spatial intelligence of the child.
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