Pelatihan Penyusunan Perangkat Pembelajaran IPA Bagi Guru SD dalam Rangka Menghadapi Tantangan Revolusi Industri 4.0
Ika Wulandari Utamining Tias, Program Studi PGSD FKIP Universitas Lampung, Indonesia
Amrina Izzatika, Program Studi PGSD FKIP Universitas Lampung, Indonesia
Sejak bergulirnya revolusi industri (RI) 4.0 tidak hanya sektor industri saja yang terdampak, sektor pasar tenaga kerja dan pendidikan juga turut terdampak. Penyiapan SDM yang berkualitas dan memiliki keterampilan-keterampilan abad XXI agar dapat menghadapi tantangan RI 4.0 perlu dilakukan sejak di bangku SD, salah satunya melalui pembelajaran IPA. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan melatih guru-guru SD di Kota Metro Provinsi Lampung dalam menyusun perangkat pembelajaran IPA yang melatihkan keterampilan-keterampilan abad XXI. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, workshop, kegiatan mandiri, dan presentasi. Dari kegiatan ini diperoleh nilai rerata n-gain sebesar 0,780 dengan kategori tinggi dan 85% guru peserta kegiatan dinyatakan terampil dalam menyusun perangkat pembelajaran IPA yang melatihkan keterampilan-keterampilan abad XXI.
Kata kunci: revolusi industri 4.0, keterampilan abad XXI, perangkat pembelajaran IPA SD
Since the onset of the industrial revolution (IR) 4.0, not only the industrial sector has been affected, but also the labor market and education sectors have been affected. Preparation of the qualified human resources and the 21st-century skills to be able to deal with the challenges of IR 4.0 needs to be done in elementary school, one of which is through natural science learning. This activity is carried out to train elementary school teachers in the Metro City Lampung Province for making natural science learning instruments that practice 21st-century skills. This activity is carried out by lecturing, workshops, independent activities, and presentations. From this activity, an average n-gain value of 0.780 was obtained with a high category and 85% of the teachers participating in the activity were declared skilled in compiling science learning tools that train the 21st-century skills.
Key words: industrial revolution 4.0, the 21st-century skills, natural science for elementary school learning instruments
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