Kolaborasi seniman dan kecerdasan buatan (AI) dalam membangkitkan gelombang kreativitas di era revolusi seni digital
Warih Handayaningrum, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Eko Wahyuni Rahayu, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
The art world has changed significantly as a result of technological advancements, particularly in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Contemporary artists now see technology as a tool that can assist in the creative process. For example, AI can help artists understand audience preferences, analyze art trends, or even create artworks that can interact with society. In addition, artists can incorporate modern technologies such as AR or VR in the creation of works. This enables innovative and interactive artistic experiences and encourages audiences to be more involved in the creative process. In the era of the digital art revolution, artists and AI have teamed up to produce a creative wave that is transforming the art world. This collaboration gives artists access to explore concepts and expressions that were previously unattainable or difficult to achieve. AI makes the creative process easier, and allows artists to look at art in a more contextualized and sustainable way. Artists can create works that are relevant and resonant amidst the dynamics of digital society by responding dynamically to cultural and social changes based on algorithms and data. This research uses a literature study method with data analysis from various relevant literature related to artists and AI in the era of the digital art revolution.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/imaji.v22i2.69734
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