Musk puppet in Malang has a very special and distinctive
presentation, that is consisting of some parts or acts in the forms of
scenes: the Gending Giro traditional music, follwed with an
opening dance Tari Patih, Jejeran, Grebek, Tari Bapang and Tari
Gunungsari, ended with the scene of the meeting between Panji
Asmarabangun and Candrakirana. The development of mask
puppet in Malang as a cultural expression is very much influenced
by the aspects of time, environment, and technological
development especially information technology.
presentation, that is consisting of some parts or acts in the forms of
scenes: the Gending Giro traditional music, follwed with an
opening dance Tari Patih, Jejeran, Grebek, Tari Bapang and Tari
Gunungsari, ended with the scene of the meeting between Panji
Asmarabangun and Candrakirana. The development of mask
puppet in Malang as a cultural expression is very much influenced
by the aspects of time, environment, and technological
development especially information technology.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/imaji.v10i2.6379
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