The Development of CAD/CAM Learning Media for Support Achieve NC/CNC Programming Competencies


  • Rohmad Sakuri Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
  • Febrianto Amri Ristadi Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


learning video, G code, facing, contour, pocket, slot


This research aims to determine stages of the development process, feasibility, and assisting students in the CNC Milling learning process with video-based learning media in the CNC Milling course using the CNC Milling Feeller FVP 1000 machine. The research method chosen namely Research and Development (RnD) with the ADDIE (Analyze-Design-Development-Implement-Evaluate) development design model. The subjects of this research were students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, FT UNY who were taking the CNC Machining Technology course, with a total of 28 students. The object of the research is a learning video about using CAM to produce CNC programs so they can be applied to real CNC machines. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire method with limited sampling. The suitability of learning media is assessed by material experts and media experts. The research results were obtained learning media in the form of 10 learning videos consisting of: cutting tool and workpiece setup process, cutting process on facing, contour, pocket, slot, drill, obtaining G-Code from the CAM application. Apart from that, the video produced is how to operate a CNC Milling machine. The results of the evaluation and assessment of the video from material experts, media experts and user responses show that the feasibility of the learning video obtained an average score of 3.73, where these results show that the video is very suitable for use.


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