The Development of ABC Checking Handbook for Batching Area of PT Sarihusada Generasi Mahardika
development, ABC checking, batching, 4D models, handbookAbstract
The aim of this research is to produce a product in the form of an ABC Checking handbook for the batching area IWSnF (Internal Warehouse Staging and Formulating) PT. Sarihusada Generasi Mahardika and find out the feasibility level of the product. This research uses the Research and Development (R&D) research method using the Four-D Models development model, namely define, design, develop and disseminate. The data collection methods used were documentation, field observations, interviews with employees, and questionnaires involving two material experts and one media expert. The data analysis technique uses a Likert scale and applies quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of this research are: (1) Handbook ABC Checking area batching with the Four-D Models development model. Produce a handbook consisting of 45 pages, with six descriptions of the main material, namely safety policy, cardinal rules, 12 basic safety rules, risk map analysis in the batching work area, safety equipment, and do's and don'ts in the batching work area; (2) The feasibility category for the ABC Checking batching area handbook is Very Eligible, with a final score of 3.69. The feasibility of the product in terms of material received a final score of 3.67. And the suitability of the product in terms of media got a final score of 3.73.
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