Analysis of Students' Interests in the Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program Towards the Vocational Teacher Profession
teacher, vocational, attention, willingness, sense, family, socialAbstract
This research aims to determine the level of interest of Yogyakarta State University Mechanical Engineering Education students class of 2019 towards the SMK teaching profession graduating from undergraduate education and to determine the factors of the interest of Yogyakarta State University Mechanical Engineering Education study program class of 2019 towards the SMK teaching profession towards the SMK teaching profession in machining. This study uses a quantitative descriptive research method. Sampling using simple random sampling technique. The results showed that the interest of students of Mechanical Engineering Education Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University class of 2019 towards the vocational teaching profession could be concluded in the low category or not interested with an average percentage of 59% and the indicator of student interest in becoming a vocational teacher became low was an indicator of attention ( 58%), indicators of willingness (58%), and indicators of the social environment (58%).
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