The Influence of Workplace Knowledge and Field Work Experience on Work Readiness


  • Cahya Prasetiawan Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
  • Syukri Fathudin Achmad Widodo Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


knowledge, experience, world of work, field work practice, job readiness, work readiness


Vocational high schools have the main objective of producing graduates who are ready to work. This study is aimed to the influence of workforce knowledge to ward work readiness, the influence of fieldwork practice experience toward the work readiness, the influence of workforce knowledge and fieldwork practice experience regarding the work readiness. This research applies quantitative approach through ex-post facto method. This research of the population is 12th grade mechanical engineering students in 3th Yogyakarta Vocational High School determined by simple random sampling technique. The data collecting method employed is the instrument in the form of close-ended questionnaire. The data analysis techniques used consists of descriptive analysis, corellation, and regression. The result of this research indicates that there are positive and significant influences of workforce knowledge concerning the work readiness in the total of 45,9%, there are positive and significant effects in the fieldwork practice experience toward work readiness in the total of 42,7%,  there are positive and significant influences in the workforce knowledge and fieldwork practice experience simultaneously related to work readiness in the number of 51,2%.


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