Family Financial Management Training as an Effort to Create Healthy and Prosperous Families in Karangsari, Pengasih, Kulon Progo


  • Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma UNY
  • Betanika Nila Nirbita UNY
  • Barida Rakhma Nuranti UNY
  • Ahmad Samlawi UNY
  • Danang Setyaramadani UNY



Financial Literacy, Family Resilience, Prosperous Families, Financial Management


This training program aimed to improve family financial literacy as part of a strategy to strengthen family resilience, improve welfare, and reduce the risk of poverty. The training was initiated because of the lack of skills in managing family finances. Two activities were conducted during the training, namely classical classes and workshops. In classical classes, the spokesperson provided an explanation of the material, while the workshop was about financial planning and management practice. This training was held at the Karangsari Village Hall, Pengasih, Kulon Progo, with 30 participants from the Family Welfare Movement/Pemberdayaan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (PKK). The results of the training showed an increase in participant knowledge, as evidenced by an increase in scores from the pre-test to the post-test. The average pre-test score of participants was 57, while the average post-test score was 75, indicating an increase in their understanding of family financial management. The implication of this training is the importance of forming financial literacy cadres among PKK members to become agents of disseminating financial literacy in Karangsari Village.


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How to Cite

Kusuma, C. S. D., Betanika Nila Nirbita, Barida Rakhma Nuranti, Ahmad Samlawi, & Danang Setyaramadani. (2024). Family Financial Management Training as an Effort to Create Healthy and Prosperous Families in Karangsari, Pengasih, Kulon Progo. Journal of Vocational Applied Research and Studies, 1(2), 119 – 122.