Analisis Prediksi Kebangkrutan Perusahaan Sub Sektor Pariwisata, Restoran dan Hotel Sebelum dan Saat Pandemi Covid-19

Yessinta Ayudhea, Universitas Jember, Indonesia
Dewi Ayu Puspita, Universitas Jember, Indonesia



This research was conducted to analyze the bankruptcy prediction of companies in the subsectors of tourism, restaurants, and hotels during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study is a quantitative research. The analysis of bankruptcy prediction was carried out using the Springate Score model. The research data consists of secondary data in the form of financial reports of tourism, restaurant and hotel sub-sector companies listed on the IDX from 2018 until 2021. Hypothesis testing to predict bankruptcy uses the Springate Score (S-Score) model, and then the S-Score results were tested using the Wilcoxon signed rank test to see the difference in bankruptcy predictions before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The result of the research showed that before the pandemic 38.46% of companies were predicted to go bankrupt, while during the pandemic, 80.77% of companies were predicted to go bankrupt. The S-Score test results, companies predicted to go bankrupt during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Springate Score, Bankruptcy Prediction, Signaling Theory


Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis prediksi kebangkrutan perusahaan sub sektor pariwisata, restoran dan hotel saat pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif.  Analisis prediksi kebangkrutan dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan model Springate Score.  Data penelitian berupa data sekunder berupa laporan keuangan perusahaan sub sektor pariwisata, restoran dan hotel yang terdaftar BEI periode 2018-2021. Uji hipotesis untuk memprediksi kebangkrutan perusahaan menggunakan model springate score (S-Score), kemudian hasil S-Score dilakukan uji beda menggunakan uji beda wilcoxon signed rank test untuk melihat perbedaan prediksi kebangkrutan sebelum dan saat pandemi Covid-19. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebelum pandemi sebesar 38,46% perusahaan diprediksi bangkrut dan saat pandemi sebesar 80,77% perusahaan diprediksi bangkrut.  Dari hasil uji S-Score, perusahaan yang diprediksi bangkrut saat pandemi Covid-19 meningkat dibandingkan dengan sebelum pandemi Covid-19.

Kata Kunci: Skor Springate, Prediksi Kebangkrutan, Teori Pensinyalan

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