Siti Mulyani, FBS Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


The use of puns to express humor in Djaka Lodang, a Javanese magazine, is a
language phenomenon of language use that is interesting to study. This research
study aims to (1) describe sections containing humorous discourses in Djaka Lodang,
and (2) describe the forms of the humorous discourses.
This study employed the descriptive approach. The data sources were Djaka
Lodang published in the period of January to March 2003. The research data were
segments of discourse containing humorous elements. The data were collected
by reading and recording by means of the discourse analysis technique. The data
validity was assessed through semantic validity. The data reliability was assessed
by reading and rereading (intra-rater reliability). The data were analyzed by using
the descriptive technique comprising induction and comparison, categorization,
tabulation, and inference making.
The research findings show that of 32 sections available in Djaka Lodang 18
sections contain humorous discourses. The 18 sections are (1) Cerita Rakyat, (2)
Srumuwus, (3) Wawasan Droning Negara, (4) Wawasan Jaban Ranglcah, (5) Pagelaran,
(6) Profil, (7) Sketsa, (8) Pedhalangan, (9) Lem bar Agama, (10) Macapat, (11) Seninjong,
(12) Cerita Sambung, (13) Mendhowan, (14) Pengalamanku, (15) Cerita Cekak, (16) Wacan
Bocah, (17) Tetepungan, and (18) Dhat Nyeng. There are seven forms of the humorous
discourses, namely description, story, topic sentence, poem, magic spell, trapping
expression, and pun.

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