Hartono hartono, FBS Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This research study employs the theory of narrative structure by Seymour
Chatman. The study aims to describe plot elements comprising kernel and satellite,
arrangement, duration, and frequency available in Orang-orang Proyek, a novel by
Ahmad Tohari.
The subject of the study was Orang-orang Proyek (2002, the first impression), a
novel by Ahmad Tohari, and the focuses were plot elements covering kernel and
satellite, arrangement, duration, and frequency. The data were collected through
reading and recording. The novel was read and reread and its discourse and
sentential and sub-sentential units containing narrative elements were recorded.
The data were analyzed using the descriptive qualitative technique.
The research findings show that Orang-orang Proyek contains 44 kernels and
132 satellites. On the basis of its logical order, it reveals that causality order can be
parallel with temporal order. Chronologically, the beginning of the story also results,
though not directly, in subsequent events. From the relation between the past and the
present, the novel shows a tendency that the analeptic occurring before the present
was almost the same as that occurring after the present. The novel contains 20 external
anachronisms, 18 mixed anachronisms, and 13 internal anachronisms. The duration
includes, from the most to the least, scene, summary, distraction, pause, and ellipsis.
The dominance of scene, followed by summary, shows that the narrator’s role in the
story is very small; most parts of the story are expressed through dialogues among
characters to make it more interesting. Singular events dominate frequency in the
novel, followed by iterative frequency, multiple-singular frequency, and repetitive
frequency. Dominant singular events make the novel more lively and interesting.
Key words: narrative structure, arrangement, duration, and frequency

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/ltr.v4i01.4884


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