Analysis Of Workshop Layout On The Application Of Occupational Health And Safety In Department Of Civil Engineering Education and Planning UNY Carpentry Workshop

Indah Wahyuni, Department of Civil Engineering and Education Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Nanda Awalia Enggar Salsabila, Department of Civil Engineering and Education Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Galeh Nur Indriatno Putra Pratama, Department of Vocational Education, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany


The implementation of workshop layouts that are not in accordance with ILO &; IEA 2010 regulations can cause work accidents, therefore it is necessary to implement K3 in wood workshops. The objectives of this study are: (1) Knowing the suitability of the layout carpentry workshop with ILO &; IEA regulations in 2010. (2) Knowing the suitability of K3 carpentry workshop with SNI 45001 of 2018.

The type of research used in this study is descriptive. The data analysis technique used is descriptive static with a percentage scale. This research was conducted at the carpentry workshop with research samples being lecturers, technicians, and students who were using the workshop. Data was collected using questionnaires and used guttman scales for measurement.

From this study, data were produced that: (1) There is a conformity between the layout of the carpentry Workshop and ILO &; IEA regulations in 2010 with an average percentage of 78% in the good assessment category, where the percentage is included in the good assessment category. The highest percentage is found in the equipment layout indicator with a percentage of 86% while the lowest percentage is found in the lighting indicator with a percentage of 77%. (2) There is a K3 conformity in the carpentry workshop with SNI 45001 of 2018 with an average percentage of 90% in the good assessment category. The indicators that have the highest percentage are leadership and commitment with a percentage of 100%. Meanwhile, the indicator with the lowest percentage is the K3 monitoring & evaluation indicator with a percentage of 78%. 


Carpentry Workshop; Occupational Health And Safety; Workshop Layout

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