Kartika Nur Fathiyah Fathiyah, , Indonesia


Many complaints uttered concerning with the low ethics of students in the educational process, such as cheating in exams, data manipulation, plagiarism, and the phenomena of ‘jockeying’ (cheating in exams by taking the exam for the benefit of somebody else). These divergences need to be responded by always empowering all components involved in the educational institutions to hold high the scientific attitudes in every process of education.
Scientific attitudes is firstly hold up by always motivating all components
involved in educational institutions to develop and satisfy the curiosity
which is naturally a basic trait of human beings. This curiosity will lead to
fundamental scientific attitudes such as being honest in recording factual
data, perseverant in accomplishing tasks, open to scientific truth, and
always putting first priority to the truth obtained by means of scientific
method, critical in responding to every proposition, statement or opinion,
and creative while carrying out an experiment or research. Besides, the
individual will always be consistent to use logic and reasoning in understanding and solving his/her problems. The responsibility coming in
line with satisfying this curiosity will make the individual put aside all the
dishonest and deceitful attitudes.
That is why educational institutions are hoped to be the main sources of
facilities for individuals to satisfy their curiosity, and to provide democratic, open, non-authoritarian and supporting educational atmosphere for individuals to perform scientific activities such as
observation, experiment, and research. Also, educational institutions are
expected to play an important role as a medium for reinforcement of the
growth of academic attitudes as well as an agent of socialization for the
community to generate academic attitudes, so that the community will
eventually feel responsible to hold upright scientific attitudes.
Key words : educational institution, value development, academic attitudes

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