Grendi Hendrastomo, , Indonesia


The main focus in this article is the learning model. One model that lately
becomes trend is the e-learning. Many strong points from e-learning are
able to enhance the essence of learning. Students are pushed to seek for
more knowledge, open the door of interaction between lecturers and them
widely, without any time nor place limitation. The strong points
mentioned above are meant to maximize the process of learning which
hopefully will optimize the outcome.
Dependency of e-learning with apparatus and technology on the other
hand, creates a dilemma and challenge all at once. Three key factors
which need to be considered are human resources, supporting
infrastructures and implementation. In order to obtain an optimal result
of leami11g, these three factors have got to hold up to one and another.
In point of fact, these three factors have not actually fuljilled due to 11w11y
aspects; for instance, the quality of human resources whose not ye/ been
able to master e-learning, minimum infrastructure accessible and how to
decide the most suitable learning .rnodel.

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