Validitas dan reliabelitas instrumen penilaian pengelolaan sekolah sepakbola berbasis sistem manajemen mutu
Wawan Sundawan Suherman, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Duwi Kurnianto Pambudi, yogyakarta state university, Indonesia
Martono Martono, yogyakarta state university
Penelitian dilakukan bertujuan menghasilkan sebuah instrumen untuk menilai kinerja pengelolaan sekolah sepakbola yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan sistem manajemen mutu. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode pengembangan. Prosedur pengembangan yang dilakukan yaitu menentukan tujuan, menyusun kerangka teori, menyusun indikator butir soal, menyusun butir soal, uji validitas isi, dan melakukan uji reliabilitas. Uji validitas isi dilaksanakan menggunakan teknik uji validitas Aiken dan uji reliabilitas menggunakan teknik test-retest. Analisis data yang akan digunakan adalah analisis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil uji validitas Aiken adalah 0,79. Uji reliabelitas instrumen diujicobakan pada sekolah sekolah sepakbola yang menjadi anggota komite pembinaan pemain usia muda Askab PSSI Sleman berjumlah sembilan sekolah sepakbola dengan teknik pemilihan purposive sampling. Hasil uji reliabilitas menunjukkan indeks sebesar 0.84. Instrumen kinerja pengelolaan sekolah sepakbola berbasis sistem manajemen mutu dinyatakan layak digunakan. Instrumen penilaian kinerja pengelolaan sekolah sepakbola dapat dimanfaatkan oleh PSSI dijenjang kabupaten, provinsi yang bertugas membina pengelolaan sekolah sepakbola di wilayah kerjanya. Kegiatan evaluasi terhadap kinerja pengelolaan sekolah sepak bola diharapkan semakin valid, reliebel, dan objektif dengan instrumen yang berhasil dikembangkan pada penelitian ini
Validity and reliability of football school management assessment instruments based on quality management system
This research aims to produce an instrument to assess the performance of football school management which is carried out using a quality management system approach. This research was conducted with the development method. The development procedures carried out are determining objectives, developing a theoretical framework, compiling item indicators, compiling items, testing content validity, and conducting reliability tests. The content validity test was carried out using the Aiken validity test technique and the reliability test using the test-retest technique. Data analysis that will be used is qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The result of Aiken's validity test is 0.79. The reliability test of the instrument was tested on soccer schools that were members of the committee for coaching young players from Sleman Football Association, nine football schools using purposive sampling technique. The results of the reliability test showed an index of 0.84. The quality management system-based football school management performance instrument was declared feasible to use. The instrument for assessing the performance of football school management can be used by football schools at the district and provincial levels in charge of fostering the management of football schools in their working areas. Evaluation activities on the performance of soccer school management are expected to be more valid, reliable, and objective with the instruments that were successfully developed in this study.
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