Hubungan karakteristik pesenam terhadap keluhan nyeri lutut
I Nyoman Insan Parisudha, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Jember
Septa Surya Wahyudi, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Jember
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan hubungan karakteristik pesenam terhadap keluhan nyeri lutut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 60 orang, denagn rincian 30 untuk kelompok pesenam aerobik dan 30 untuk pesenam zumba. Kriteria inklusi yang dipakai adalah jenis kelamin wanita, frekuensi senam minimal satu kali dalam seminggu secara rutin selama minimal selama enam bulan, waktu senam dalam sekali latihan antara tiga puluh hingga enam puluh menit, dan telah mengisi informed consent sebelum pengisian kuesioner. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara memberikan kuesioner mengunakan google form. Karakteristik pesenam yang dibandingkan pada penelitian ini antara lain frekuensi, usia, jenis senam, indeks massa tubuh (IMT), dan lama mengikuti senam dalam satu tahun. Skala nyeri lutut diukur menggunakan Number Rating Scale (NRS). Hasil analisis multivariat dengan uji logistik berganda menunjukkan hanya satu variabel yang berpengaruh signifikan, yaitu frekuensi senam dalam seminggu (p=0,044). Frekuensi senam berpengaruh terhadap nyeri lutut pesenam dengan Odds ratio (OR) sebesar 5,218. Karakteristik frekuensi senam berhubungan terhadap keluhan nyeri lutut (p=0,044) dengan nilai odds ratio 5,218. Usia tidak menunjukkan korelasi dengan keluhan nyeri lutut. Tidak ada hubungan IMT dengan nyeri lutut pesenam (p=0,178). Tidak ada hubungan jenis senam, baik zumba maupun aerobik dengan keluhan nyeri lutut. Lama mengikuti senam (dalam tahun) tidak berhubungan dengan keluhan nyeri lutut. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan frekuensi senam merupakan faktor risiko yang memengaruhi keluhan nyeri lutut pesenam
The correlation of gymnast characteristics with knee pain incidence
his study aims to prove the relationship between the characteristics of the gymnast and complaints of knee pain. This research is an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional design. The population in this study was 60 people, with details of 30 for the aerobic gymnast group and 30 for the zumba gymnast. The inclusion criteria used were female gender, frequency of exercise at least once a week regularly for a minimum of six months, exercise time in one exercise between thirty to sixty minutes, and having filled out informed consent before filling out the questionnaire. Data collection was done by giving a questionnaire using a google form. The characteristics of the gymnasts compared in this study included frequency, age, type of exercise, body mass index (BMI), and length of time following the exercise in one year. The knee pain scale was measured using the Number Rating Scale (NRS). The results of multivariate analysis with multiple logistic tests showed that only one variable had a significant effect, namely the frequency of exercise in a week (p=0.044). The frequency of exercise has an effect on gymnast knee pain with an Odds ratio (OR) of 5.218. The characteristics of the frequency of exercise were associated with complaints of knee pain (p=0.044) with an odds ratio of 5.218. Age did not show a correlation with complaints of knee pain. There was no relationship between BMI and gymnast knee pain (p=0.178). There is no relationship between types of exercise, both Zumba and aerobics, with complaints of knee pain. Duration of exercise (in years) was not associated with complaints of knee pain. This study concludes that the frequency of exercise is a risk factor that affects the gymnast's knee pain complaints.
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