Mistisisme dalam seni spiritual bersid desa di kalangan penghayat kepercayaan

Suwardi Endraswara,


This article is intended to analyze the consept of misticism in the perspective symbol and structural-fungsionalism of bersih desa ritual in the area of penghayat kepercayaan. The analysis shows that, first, ritual of bersih desa as connected media beetwen penghayat
kepercayaan and God. Bersih desa is happens that in already of panen. Second, bersih desa generally and conventionally as ritual process that reflection of Javanese moral (budi pekerti).
Bersih desa in the rural culture are formated to art performance. The title of shadow play is Sri Mulih. This performance as medium looking for slamet, Included of sesajen bersih desa for them forefather. The slametan, a ceremonial meal consisteing of offerings, symbolic foods, a formal speech, and a prayer, is very modest event by the standards of bersih desa. The slametan bersih desa is a communal affair. Therefore, the slametan in pengahayat kepercayaan is Javanese religion. Bersih desa is misticism ritual as rite for the living, the sedhekah for God.


bersih desa, misticism, performance, symbol

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/kejawen.v2i1.70462


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