AM Bandi Utama, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
This study aims to: (1) Develop basic skills test instruments handball, (2) Determine the validity and reliability of
estimating basic test instruments handball, (3) Creating a grain basic test instruments handball valid. The research
method uses research and development. The subjects were 30 students of sixth semester, PJKR’s student. Data
collection instruments such as observation sheets and questionnaires. The instrument used to obtain information
expert (expert judgment). Number judge involved three people. Validity determined by content validity and reliability
of the instrument using the correlation Inter Rater. The results of the correlation coeffcient calculation, it is known
that the rater score 1 = 0.999, 2 = 0.996 rater score, and score rater 3 = 0.991. The results estimated by the reliability
calculation of rxx Alpha coeffcient = 0.994. The result of the development of the form of instrument tests basic
skills handball for students produce three (3) types of test are: (1) The test of skills passing the target wall (time:
30 seconds), (2) Tests dribbling skills (time: 30 seconds) (3) test skill shot flying perform three shots from three
positions: left, center and right.
Key Words : instrument development, handball basic skill, student.
Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Mengembangkan instrumen tes keterampilan dasar bola tangan, (2) Mengetahui
validitas dan mengestimasi reliabilitas instrumen tes dasar bola tangan, (3) Menciptakan butir-butir instrumen
tes dasar bola tangan yang valid. Metode penelitian menggunakan research and development. Subjek penelitian
adalah 30 mahasiswa semester VI, prodi PJKR FIK UNY. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa lembar observasi
dan kuesioner. Instrumen digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi ahli (expert judgement). Jumlah judge yang
terlibat 3 orang. Validitas diketahui dengan validitas isi dan reliabilitas instrumen menggunakan korelasi Inter Rater.
Hasil penghitungan koefsien korelasi, diketahui bahwa skor rater 1 = 0,999, skor rater 2 = 0,996, dan skor rater 3
= 0,991. Hasil penghitungan reliabilitas diestimasi dengan Koefsien Alpha sebesar rxx =0,994. Hasil pengembangan
berupa instrumen tes keterampilan dasar bola tangan bagi mahasiswa menghasilkan 3 (tiga) jenis tes yaitu: (1) Tes
keterampilan passing dengan sasaran ke tembok ( waktu: 30 detik), (2) Tes keterampilan dribbling (waktu: 30 detik),
(3) Tes keterampilan flyingshot melakukan 3 kali tembakan dari tiga posisi: kiri, tengah, dan kanan.
Kata kunci: Pengembangan instrumen, keterampilan dasar, bola tangan, mahasiswa.
This study aims to: (1) Develop basic skills test instruments handball, (2) Determine the validity and reliability of
estimating basic test instruments handball, (3) Creating a grain basic test instruments handball valid. The research
method uses research and development. The subjects were 30 students of sixth semester, PJKR’s student. Data
collection instruments such as observation sheets and questionnaires. The instrument used to obtain information
expert (expert judgment). Number judge involved three people. Validity determined by content validity and reliability
of the instrument using the correlation Inter Rater. The results of the correlation coeffcient calculation, it is known
that the rater score 1 = 0.999, 2 = 0.996 rater score, and score rater 3 = 0.991. The results estimated by the reliability
calculation of rxx Alpha coeffcient = 0.994. The result of the development of the form of instrument tests basic
skills handball for students produce three (3) types of test are: (1) The test of skills passing the target wall (time:
30 seconds), (2) Tests dribbling skills (time: 30 seconds) (3) test skill shot flying perform three shots from three
positions: left, center and right.
Key Words : instrument development, handball basic skill, student.
Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) Mengembangkan instrumen tes keterampilan dasar bola tangan, (2) Mengetahui
validitas dan mengestimasi reliabilitas instrumen tes dasar bola tangan, (3) Menciptakan butir-butir instrumen
tes dasar bola tangan yang valid. Metode penelitian menggunakan research and development. Subjek penelitian
adalah 30 mahasiswa semester VI, prodi PJKR FIK UNY. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa lembar observasi
dan kuesioner. Instrumen digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi ahli (expert judgement). Jumlah judge yang
terlibat 3 orang. Validitas diketahui dengan validitas isi dan reliabilitas instrumen menggunakan korelasi Inter Rater.
Hasil penghitungan koefsien korelasi, diketahui bahwa skor rater 1 = 0,999, skor rater 2 = 0,996, dan skor rater 3
= 0,991. Hasil penghitungan reliabilitas diestimasi dengan Koefsien Alpha sebesar rxx =0,994. Hasil pengembangan
berupa instrumen tes keterampilan dasar bola tangan bagi mahasiswa menghasilkan 3 (tiga) jenis tes yaitu: (1) Tes
keterampilan passing dengan sasaran ke tembok ( waktu: 30 detik), (2) Tes keterampilan dribbling (waktu: 30 detik),
(3) Tes keterampilan flyingshot melakukan 3 kali tembakan dari tiga posisi: kiri, tengah, dan kanan.
Kata kunci: Pengembangan instrumen, keterampilan dasar, bola tangan, mahasiswa.
instrument development; handball basic skill; student
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