JOE is the scientific journal of educational research. It publishes any research- based articles on and about education i.e. articles which contribute to the understanding, theoretical development, theoretical concept and implementation of theories of education at any levels.

Vol 1, No 1: November 2015
Table of Contents
- Jamilah, FBS UNY |
Nuning Catur Sri Wilujeng, FBS UNY |
- Musriadi, Lecturer Faculty of Teacher Education Biology, University Serambi Mekkah |
Safitri Yosita Ratri, UNY |
- Sukir, FT UNY Sigit Yatmono, FT UNY |
- Sulistyono, FIK UNY |
Estu Miyarso, FIP UNY Ariyawan Agung Nugroho, FIP UNY Rina Wulandari, FIP UNY |
Sungkawati Kardi Wahyuningsih, STAIN Gajah Putih |
Andika Hariyanto Surbakti, |