
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines


   1.   YSU Journal of Education (JOE) publishes any research-based articles on and about education i.e. articles which contribute to the understanding, theoretical development, theoretical concept and implementation of theories of education at any levels;

2.   The articles should be originally written by the writer based on his/her own research.

The article should have never been published or accepted for publication, nor is being considered for publication elsewhere, either in a whole or substantial parts;

3.   The article should be written in formal English or other international languages, and should range between 1,500 to 2,500 words, or approximately 10 to 15 pages in length. It should be typed, double spaced on quarto (21 x 29.70 cm) paper, with 4 cm left and top margin, and 3 cm right and bottom margin in Times New Roman 12 pica font of the MS Word. The article should be systematically arranged as follows:

a.   The whole article should contain the title, name of the writer, the writer’s postal address and email, abstract, key word, article body, bibliography and the writer’s short CV/biodata.

b.   The title should be short, concise and informative, containing approximately 14 words representing the key information of the article body.

c.   The name or list of the names of the writer should be written under the title.

d.   The writer/writers’ professional position, correspondence address, email address and cell phone should be written under the writer/writers’ name/s.

e.   The abstract or summary of the article must be written in English and must not exceed 120 words, written in one paragraph containing the aim, the method and the findings of the research.

f.    A list of key words or key phrases must be provided. The key words should reflect the most essential terms used in the article body. It is written boldfaced in italic, single spaced under the Abstract.

g.   The artcle body should consist of (1) Introduction: explains the research backgrund, the problems and the literature review; 2) Approach/method: provides sufficient details of the approach, method or technique employed in the research; 3) Research results or findings: states, explains and discusses in details the research resuts and findings; 4) Conclusion: points out the main important results of the study.

h.   It is highly recommended that all references are taken from primary sources and are relatively new (preferably published no later than 10 years). The reference should only list sources quoted within the article body. All sources quoted in the article body should appear in the list of reference.

i.   The writing of reference follows the APA (American Psychological Association)

year 2010. Example:

Stoll,  L.  &  Fink,  D.  (1992).  “Effecting  school  change:  The  halton  approach“.

School  effectiveness  and  school  improvement:  An  international  journal  of research policy and practice, 3 (1). 19-41.

Herawati, L. (2010). “Estimasi parameter pendidikan kesehatan masyarakat hasil intervensi cooperative self help di propinsi DIY“. Jurnal Kependidikan, 40 (1).


Brown, D.H. (2001). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach  to language pedagogy. San Francisco: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.

Winch,  C.  (2006).  “Graduate  attributes  and  changing  conceptions  of  learning” dalam P. Hager & S. Holland (eds). Graduate attributes, learning and employability. Dordrecht: Springer.

Berry, J.W., Poortinga, Y.H., Segall, M.H., & Dasen, P.R. (2002). Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications. 2nd ed. UK: Cambridge University Press.

Josephson Institute of Ethnic. (2000). The ethic of American youth.   Uploaded   on   25   December


Sabarani, P. (2011). “Telling stories through archives“. The Jakarta Post, January

11, 2011, page 28.


4.   Table,  illustration,  picture,  graph,  diagram,  map,  photo  are  presented  with  the following regulations:


a.   Table


Table 3

Statistical Description of the Population


Statistical Description                       Score

Number of Schools of

Each level









Bottom Level:


< Mean – 1 SD

< 20.30

29 schools

Middle level:



Mean – 1 SD <X< Mean + 1 SD

20.30 < X < 24.801

111 schools

Top Level:

> Mean – 1 SD


> 24.801


22 schools


b.   Photo, picture and map must be very clear when printed c.   The size must be proportional to the paper size

d.   Each figure, graphic or photo must be put in a box and should be completed with title. The title should be put in order and is typed on the top left side. The notes on the figure/graphic/photo should be typed underneath within the box (see example)


Figure 2.2. A Simplified View of SCCT’s Model of Interest Development



Sources of Self- efficacy





















Successes, Failures



Figure 2.2. Adapted from “A social cognitive view of career development and counseling” by R. W. Lent, 2005. In S. D. Brown & R. W. Lent (Eds.), Career

development and counsenling: Putting theory and research to work, p. 106. Copyright 2005 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


5.   The writer’s biodata  or short CV must not exceed 100 words, containing the writer’s full name, the professional title/s, place and date of birth, occupation, name and address of the institution and the most relevant publications.


6.   The article can be submitted by post or online. Submission by post can be done by sending 3 copies of the printed articles and a copy of soft file in a disc to the JOE Managing Editor at the follwong address. Submission by email is directed to


Postal Address: Lembaga Penelitian UNY Karangmalang Yogyakarta-55281


7.   All the submitted articles   will be reviewed by editors and may result in one of the following possibilities:

1.   the artcle is accepted without revision

2.   the article is accepted with minor or major revision

3.   the article is refused. Unless requested by the writer, refused article will not be sent back to the writer.


8.   The article published in JOE is accessible via YSU E-journal at


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Script must be study in the field of education that has not been published before or that is not in the process of being published in another journal
  2. Length of script is approxinately 2,500 to 3,000 words or 15 to 20 pages of A-4 size paper; typed double-spaced with 4-cm left margin and 3-cm top, bottom, and right margins; using Times New Roman 12 fonts. the article carries title, nam and address of writer, abstract, key words, body, and references.
  3. Title must be succinct, informative, no longer than 14 words, and containing key words.
  4. Name of writer is placed below title, no academic degree, followed by addresses of institution and correspondence.
  5. Abstract is written in one paragraph of approximately 100 to 150 words, typed double-spaced. abstract carries (1) purpose, (2) method, (3) findings. key words, representing contents, are placed right below abstract.
  6. Body consist of (1) introduction, (2) approach/procedure/method, (3) findings and discussion, conclusion and suggestion, and references. references list only those quoted or used in body
  7. Scripts is written in formal English using standart grammar and mechanics
  8. The writer’s biodata  or short CV must not exceed 100 words, containing the writer’s full name, the professional title/s, place and date of birth, occupation, name and address of the institution and the most relevant publications.

Copyright Notice

All posts that exist in JOE is not a reflection of the attitudes and opinions of the Editorial Board of JOE. The responsibility for the contents or the result of writing still lies on the authors.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.