Sumber Daya Manusia di perguruan tinggi Indonesia saat pandemi COVID-19: Bekerja dari rumah dan kebijakannya
Maria Dwi Ardiana, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya, Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan menggali penjaminan mutu dalam pengelolaan SDM sebagai hasil praktik baik selama WFH, yang diharapkan berguna bagi pengelolaan SDM di perguruan tinggi (PT). Survei daring dilakukan untuk menggali opini, perspektif, dan praktik dari stakeholder. Hasil menunjukkan 90% responden berasal dari PTS dan 73% berlokasi di Jakarta (N=198). Responden (85%) setuju PT telah mempersiapkan WFH, penetapan kebijakan, virtual workspace, SDM, mekanisme monitoring dan evaluasi. Responden (80%) mengapresiasi persiapan dan pengambilan keputusan WFH. Responden (50%) memenuhi 51-75% tuntutan pekerjaan selama WFH. Responden (52%) menyatakan unitnya mencapai 51-75% target kerja. Responden (87%) mengapresiasi mekanisme monitoring. Apresiasi responden (82%) diberikan pada efektivitas WFH. Responden (88%) setuju WFH sebagai opsi cara kerja mendatang. Responden setuju (38%) 3+2 hari (WFH+WFO) per minggu. Responden setuju (35%) menukar 15-30% biaya transpor dengan WFH. Pertanyaan terbuka menunjukkan agar WFH didukung akses internet dan virtual workspace yang memadai. Penelitian ini menunjukkan praktik teladan sepanjang WFH yang dapat distandarkan menjadi penjaminan mutu pengelolaan SDM, di antaranya standar pengambilan keputusan, mekanisme monev, dan fasilitas daring.
This research aimed to explore the quality assurance in human resources management as best practices of WFH, that would be beneficial for HR management in higher education institutions (HEI). An online survey was done to seek opinions, perspectives, and meaningful practices among HEI stakeholders. Results show 90% of respondents are from private universities, and 73% are located in Jakarta (N total 198). Respondents (85%) agree there is preparation toward WFH, the policy, virtual workspace, HR, monitoring and evaluation mechanism. Respondents (80%) appreciate the WFH preparation and decision. Respondents (50%) complete 51-75% of the work during WFH. Respondents (52%) state their unit achieved 51-75% of the target during WFH. Respondents (87%) appreciate the monitoring mechanism. Their appreciation (82%) is given to the effectiveness of WFH. Respondents agree (88%) of WFH as an option for the future of working. Respondents agree (38%) of 3+2 days (WFH+WFO) per week. Respondents agree (35%) to exchange their 15-30% of transport fees to WFH. The open-ended questions show WFH should be supported by adequate access to the internet and virtual workspace. This research shows best practices of WFH, which could be standardized as QA toward HR system, including the standards of decision making, monitoring and evaluation, and online facilities.
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