Memaknai Pasang Surut Berdemokrasi di Myanmar (1962-2021) dan Konteksnya bagi Pendewasaan Demokrasi ASEAN
Marsudi Marsudi, Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Malang., Indonesia
Mutiara Syafira Anastasia, Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Malang, Indonesia
Dean Andi Alfianto, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Brawijaya., Indonesia
Faruq Setya Wargi, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Brawijaya., Indonesia
Bhisma Rizqi Anggara, Department of Arts and Design, Faculty of Letters, State University of Malang., Indonesia
Afghani Trisna Ramadhan, Department of Japanese Literature, Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia., Indonesia
Okada Ali, Department of Indonesia Language Studies, School of Language and Culture Studies Tokyo University of Foreign Studies., Japan
Abstrak-Tujuan artikel ini adalah menganalisis proses demokratisasi di Myanmar dalam pemaknaan pendewasaan demokrasi ASEAN (1962-2021). Kudeta kepada Daw Aung San Suu Kyi dan Presiden Win Myint tanggal 1 Februari 2021 di Myanmar menunjukkan negara ini masih dicengkram oleh kekuatan militer Myanmar (Tatmadaw) dalam menguasai perpolitikan dan pemerintahan. Tampaknya militer di Myanmar “mengamankan” posisi kekuasaannya dengan berlindung di balik jubah demokrasi. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kudeta di Myanmar memperlihatkan wajah demokrasi ASEAN yang sedang mencari corak tersendiri akan pemahaman bagaimana demokrasi membawa kesejahteraan dan keadilan sosial dan juga mengayomi militer ke dalam kekuasaan politik sipil dalam mempertahankan negara dari agresi eksternal kepada otoritas sipil di bidang politik dan pemerintahan.
Kata kunci: Demokrasi, Myanmar, Militer, ASEAN
Abstract-The purpose of this article is to analyze the democratization process in Myanmar in terms of the maturing meaning of ASEAN democracy (1962-2021). The coup against Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint on February 1, 2021 in Myanmar shows that this country is still in the grip of the Myanmar military force (Tatmadaw) in controlling politics and government. It seems that the military in Myanmar is “securing” it’s position of power by hiding itself under the cloak of democracy. The research method uses library research methods. The results show that the coup in Myanmar shows the face of ASEAN democracy which is looking for it’s own style of understanding how democracy brings welfare and social justice and also nurtures the military into civilian political power in defending the country from external aggression to civilian authorities in politics and government.
Keywords: Democracy, Myanmar, Military, ASEAN
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Copyright (c) 2023 Zofrano Ibrahimsyah Magribi Sultani, Marsudi Marsudi, Mutiara Syafira Anastasia, Dean Andi Alfianto, Faruq Setya Wargi, Bhisma Rizqi Anggara, Afghani Trisna Ramadhan, Okada Ali

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