Implementation of cybernetic learning theory on scientific philosophy learning

Laily Furaida, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia


The topic is focused on cybernetic learning theory and its implementation to scientific philoshophy learning. Theoretical approach and scientific learning can be connected each other with the same purposes on learning process. Cybernetic learning theory attent to information processing substance and organize its connection to be come an information system which is creating a new idea or a new invention of science. Due to this, the main purpose of scientific  philosophy learning is a critical thinking process which construct a new idea that is engaging a kognitive aspect.

This research is a literature review. Literature review is a research which compare previous research then connected with a topic that be come a main review (Efron & Ravid, 2019). The research design is narrative review. Narrative review well known as traditional literature review which is a literature review with an analysis as a whole in order to construct a theory and context of a research main focus (Stratton, 2019).

The implementation of cybernetic learning theory are suitable for scientific philosophy learning for the same goal in order to find out and proceed new information. Information processing theory which is include kognitive aspect has an important role of cybernetic approach. Cybernetic learning theory can be applied on every learning method which is connecting kognitive aspect in its process.

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