Improvement of Student Attendance System for Recording Student Surface Body Temperature Based on Internet of Things
I Ketut Agung Enriko, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Indonesia
Muhammad Aulia Baihaqy, Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, Indonesia
Student attendance is a system used for tracking student activity in school. Many methods are used to develop student attendance systems, such as Quick Response (QR) Code systems, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems, fingerprint systems, and so on. The COVID-19 pandemic has driven technological development, especially in the student attendance system. Measuring human surface body temperature has become a protocol that must be done before entering school. Student attendance systems need to expand the function not only for attendance but also for monitoring student surface body temperature. This research aims to improve student attendance systems by adding surface body temperature measurements and recording during student presence. Recording data can be done by using the internet of things. Student presence data will be sent to school databases throughout the internet. This system uses RFID technology for student presence and a non-contact thermal sensor for temperature measurement. According to data research, non-contact thermal sensors provide a temperature reading with an average error of 1.69%, a minimum error value of 0.96%, and a maximum error value of 2.57% with a range error value of 0.35°C – 0.95°C. RFID test shows that the optimum distance for the system to read an RFID card is 0 – 2cm. The System also successfully sent presence data to the student school database through the internet. This study concludes that developed systems can track student attendance by recording the student’s surface body temperature while in presence. Further work will be focused on managing data networks if this system is used with many users in the school.
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