Journal History

The journal publication used the word Efisiensi : Kajian Ilmu Administrasi. All studies in the field of office science at the end expect an optimal work efficiency and corporate governance according to predetermined standards. Efisiensi : Kajian Ilmu Administrasi is obtained from a comparison between an effort (input) and a result (output) with the aim of reducing dissipation of materials, labor, and potentially harmful symptoms. Efisiensi : Kajian Ilmu Administrasi in the corporate sector is quite necessary to optimize the work performance efficiently rational, with all resources to get the quickest way, with time to get the fastest way, with space and object to reach the closest way and fair expenses. That fundamental consideration becomes the named of this journal, Efisiensi : Kajian Ilmu Administrasi


The spiral in the "incandescent lamp" resembles the letter E which is the initial for efficiency and at the bottom there are 3 books stacked up where the symbol represents a study based on the reference literature. The logo resembles an incandescent lamp in the hope that it can remind us to continue to look for new ideas to improve work efficiency and management, especially in the office sector according to the focus and scope of study in this journal, as well as a symbol of thinkers who always try to think futuristically and are beneficial to the surrounding environment, besides that, it is also an enlightening light for anyone who wants to study and examine more deeply the discipline of administration. A well-arranged book image also symbolizes an invitation in any field, especially the administration sector, to be orderly, structured, and orderly.

The blue color is taken as Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta's identical color. The yellow / gold color for published editions is identical to the color in Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta's slogan, named Superior, Creative, Innovative, Takwa, Independent, and Scholar as one of the symbols of glory and optimism with the hope that one day the efficiency journal will be at the forefront of studying administrative sciences. The white color for the text of administrative science studies symbolizes the neutrality of the study and the neutrality of the reviewer so that it becomes a credible and accountable journal manuscript.

Journal of Efisiensi : Kajian Ilmu Administrasi  first edition published by the Office Administration Education Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Yogyakarta State University in 2001. The first edition was published with Efisiensi : Kajian Ilmu Administrasi   No. edition. 1, Volume I, August 2001. Starting in 2012, the Office Administration Education Study Program joined the Faculty of Economics until now. Efisiensi : Kajian Ilmu Administrasi journals have been published since the beginning, focusing on two things, named the study of administrative science which focuses on literature review / results of thoughts and research results in the fields of office administration. This journal is published as a vehicle for the study of administration and office management problems, both theoretically and practically. The focus and scope of study in this journal can be read here