Editorial Team

Editor in Chief: Gilang Nugraha Putu Pratama, M.Eng., Dept. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vocational Faculty, UNY

Associate (Main Handling) Editors:

  1. Ir. Oktaf Agni Dhewa, S.Si., M.Cs., Dept. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vocational Faculty, UNY
  2. Purno Tri Aji, M.Eng., Dept. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vocational Faculty, UNY
  3. Arya Sony, M.Eng., Dept. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vocational Faculty, UNY
  4. Rizky Hidayat Prasetyo, S.T., M.T., Dept. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vocational Faculty, UNY
  5. Ahmad Taufiq Musaddid, S.T., M.Eng., Dept. Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vocational Faculty, UNY