Journal of Vocational Fashion and Art

JOVFA: Journal Vocational Fashion and Art  [P-ISSN : on process| E-ISSN: on process] Jovfa is published two annual issues (i.e., January and Augustus) that focuses on publishes research and innovation in project based learning for Fashion Desain, Fashion Techology, Fashion Drapping, Fashion Production, and Enterpreneurship Fashion. This journal publishes the latest scientific works from the results of studies and project based learning of  relevant to applied fashion and art.   Articles submitted in English and Indonesian for publishing process goes through initial screening by the editor and review process by competent reviewers. The Article isn't scope and requirements of the author guidelines will not be processed further.

Focus and Scope

Fashion Design, this article are about Tekstil Technology, Wastra Nusantara (Batik, Songket, Tenun), Tekstil manipulation of Technology, and Tekstil Material

Fashion Technology, this article are about Fashion Design (Design Illustration), Design Accessories and Merchandise, Digital Design

Fashion Draping, this article are about Manual Construction of Draping, Manual of Draping, and Digital Construction of Draping

Fashion Production, this article are about Tailoring, Modiste, Fashion Quality Control, Garment Technology ,and Work Safety for Fashion

Entrepreneurship for Fashion, this article are about Entrepreneur Innovation for Fashion, Digital Business Fashion, Branding Media for Fashion