Indonesia, Inggris
job readiness; apprentice; motivation; competence, kesiapan kerja; apprentice; motivasi; kompetensiAbstract
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengetahui kesiapan kerja apprentice group 27 PT. XYZ ditinjau dari motivasi, (2) mengetahui kesiapan kerja apprentice group 27 PT. XYZ ditinjau dari kompetensi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei sensus dengan subjek penelitian adalah seluruh apprentice group 27 PT. XYZ yang berjumlah 94 orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode angket yang dikembangkan dari kisi-kisi instrumen dan dengan metode pengumpulan dokumentasi skill matrix apprentice. Validitas instrumen dilakukan dengan expert judgement dan menggunakan Corrected Item-Total Correlation pada Reliability Analysis program SPSS. Reliabilitas instrumen menggunakan Cronbach’s Alpha pada Reliability Analysis program SPSS. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik statistik deskriptif dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) kesiapan kerja apprentice group 27 PT. XYZ ditinjau dari motivasi termasuk dalam kategori sangat siap (87,33%) dengan rincian motivasi internal kategori sangat siap (88,51%) dan motivasi eksternal kategori sangat siap (85,83%) menunjukkan bahwa apprentice memiliki motivasi yang tinggi untuk bekerja sebagai teknisi alat berat, (2) kesiapan kerja apprentice group 27 PT. XYZ ditinjau dari kompetensi termasuk dalam kategori sangat siap (97,93%) yang menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar apprentice telah memiliki kompetensi yang dibutuhkan sebagai teknisi alat berat. Perlu dilakukan kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan penelitian lebih lanjut terhadap variabel lain yang mempengaruhi kesiapan kerja, selain motivasi dan kompetensi.
Kata kunci: kesiapan kerja; apprentice; motivasi; kompetensi
The aims of this study were: (1) to determine the work readiness of the apprentice group 27 PT. XYZ in terms of motivation, (2) knowing the work readiness of the apprentice group 27 PT. XYZ in terms of competence. This research is a census survey research with the research subjects being all apprentice groups 27 PT. XYZ which amounted to 94 people. Data were collected using a questionnaire method which was developed from instrument grids and by the skill matrix apprentice documentation collection method. The validity of the instrument was carried out by expert judgment and using the Corrected Item-Total Correlation in the Reliability Analysis using SPSS program. Instrument reliability uses Cronbach's Alpha in the Reliability Analysis using SPSS program. Data analysis techniques using descriptive statistical techniques with percentages. The results of the research show that: (1) the work readiness of the apprentice group 27 PT. XYZ in terms of motivation is included in the very ready category (87.33%) with details of internal motivation in the very ready category (88.51%) and external motivation in the very ready category (85.83%) indicating that apprentices have high motivation to work as heavy equipment technicians, (2) work readiness apprentice group 27 PT. XYZ in terms of competence is included in the very ready category (97.93%) which shows that most of the apprentices already have the competencies needed as heavy equipment technicians. It is necessary to carry out activities that can increase motivation and further research on other variables that affect work readiness, besides motivation and competence.
Keywords: job readiness; apprentice; motivation; competence