Author Guidelines ENG


(Based on APA seventh)

  1. Journal of Humanities Research publishes articles on non-educational research results and problems related to humanity (culture, language, art, social sciences).
  2. Articles must be original and have not been previously published or are being submitted for publication in another journal. Articles that have been presented in a forum, such as seminars, must be mentioned the name of the forum.
  3. Script writing using Indonesian or English correctly and adjusted to the guidelines.
  4. Manuscript length 15-20 pages, A4 size paper, typed one and a half spacing, font times new roman 12 with Microsoft Word program.
  5. The article is written with the following provisions and systematics:
    1. Title: written briefly and concisely, maximum 12 words, contains keywords, and must reflect the substance of the problem described in the body of the article.
    2. Author's name: written under the title, without title. Authors can be individuals or teams and all authors are listed.
    3. Agency, author's address and contact person: written the author's home agency, email address, and contact  number that can be contacted (cellphone number or landline).
    4. Abstract:  written in Indonesian and English, maximum 150 words and written in one paragraph containing (1) objectives, (2) methods, and (3) research results.
    5. Keywords: filled with words or terms that reflect the essence of the concept in the scope of the problem, can consist of several words / terms. Keywords are written below the abstract with a one-line spacing and italicized.
  6. Torso: consists of (1) introduction, (2) method, (3) results and discussion, (4) conclusions.
  7. Introduction:  contains the research problem, the current scientific situation according to the focus of the problem, and a literature review (state of art) that is the basis for research)
  8. Method: contains the approach/method/method used.
  9. Results  and discussion: contains research results and discussion of results that are reinforced with theories and or other relevant research findings).
  10. Conclusion: contains an outline of research conclusions and suggestions in line with the problems discussed.
    1. Bibliography: compiled from primary sources (scientific journals / magazines or research reports) and up-to-date / up-to-date. The bibliography lists only the sources referenced in the body of the article. Instead the name referenced in the torso should be present in the bibliography. Writing a bibliography follows the following example.
    2. Journal:  author name, year, article title (between two quotation marks), journal name (italics), volume, number, and page as follows.

Dadan Rosana. 2009. Development of Quality Culture through the Implementation of ISO 9001:2000 at UNY. .Horizons of Education, 28(3), 296-307.

  1. Book:  author name (if more than one word, last name is entered), year, book title (italics), publisher, and DOI or url, as follows.

Woodside, A.G. 2010. Case Study Research Study, Theory, Method, and Practice. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

  1. The book, which consists of several articles, is written as follows: author A & author B. Title of the book chapter. In A.A. editor & B.B. editor (eds.), Title of the book (2nd ed.,pp. #-#). Publisher. DOI or url.

Zeleke, W. A., Hughes, T. L., & Drozda, N. (2020). Home–school collaboration to promote mind–body health. In C. Maykel & M. A. Bray (Eds.), Promoting mind–body health in schools:Interventions for mental health professionals (pp. 11–26). American Psychological Association.                  

  1. Internet: author, year, article title, site address and download date.

Lamy, M.N., & Mortensen, H.J. 2009. Using Concordance Programs in the Modern Foreign Languages Classroom. Diunduh 22 Agustus 2012.

  1. Articles in magazine newspapers: author name, year of publication, article / article title, issue name (italicized)as the following example.

Arman, S.A. 2013. Reconsidering the implementation of the new curriculum. Kompas, 5.

  1.  How to refer to the author in the body of the article states the author's last name (according to the entry in the bibliography), year, and page. Example: (Woodside, 2010: 53) or Woodside (2010: 53). Direct referral (without changing anything), typed one space indented right 7 taps, aligned left and right.
  2.  Tables and illustrations may be in the form of drawings, graphs, diagrams, maps and photographs presented provided that:
  3. photos, drawings and maps should be sharp enough and printed on glossy paper,
    1. the size of images, graphs, tables, and so on is adjusted to the paper size,
    2. The table uses horizontal lines, without vertical lines. Table headings above the table, typed from the left edge and numbered sequentially.
    3. Images, graphics, and photos are boxed. The headings are at the bottom, typed from the left edge and numbered sequentially.

Articles that are entered will be selected with the condition that they can be accepted without improvement, accepted with improvement, or rejected. Rejected articles are not returned unless requested by the author.