Perbandingan keterampilan bermain serta karakter sportif atlit sepakbola elite dan non-elite usia 14-16 tahun di DIY

Ahmad Nasrulloh, Department of Sport Science, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Sulistiyono Sulistiyono, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Sumaryanto Sumaryanto, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Rina Yuniana, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Yudik Prasetyo, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Farid Imam Nurhadi, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pengamatan keterampilan bermain serta karakter sportif atlet elite dan nonelite usia 16 tahun di DIY. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif.. Subjek penelitian ini adalah atlet sepakbola pada elite dan non-elite. Populasi yang peneliti tetapkan adalah atlet sepakbola elite dan nonelite usia 16-18 tahun pada sekolah sepakbola di wilayah Provinsi DIY. Teknik penetapan sampel dilakukan dengan cara purposive random sampling, sehingga diperoleh 25 atlet elite dan 25 atlet non-elite. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tes unjuk kerja keterampilan bermain untuk mengetahui keterampilan bermain dan kuesioner karakter sportif untuk mengetahui karakter sportif atlet. Teknik analisis data dengan deskriptif persentase. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan passing atlet elite sebesar 100% termasuk kategori sangat tinggi sedangkan non-elite hanya 36% yang memiliki kategori sangat tinggi. Atlet elite 100% mempunyai keterampilan receiving sangat tinggi sedangkan atlet non-elite 36% termasuk kategori sedang. Atlet elite mempunyai keterampilan dribbling sebesar 88% sangat tinggi dan pada non-elite sebagian besar berkategori sedang dan rendah yaitu 24%. Keterampilan heading atlet elite berada pada kategori sangat tinggi sebesar 36%, sedangkan atlet non-elite termasuk dalam kategori sangat rendah yaitu sebesar 76%. Pada karakter sportif kerjasama pada atlet elite dan non-elite sama-sama  termasuk kategori sangat tinggi dengan persentase 64% dan 96% pada kerjasama, 60% dan 84% karakter hormat, sedangkan disiplin 68% atlet elite dan 84% non-elite. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa atlet elite memiliki kemampuan keterampilan bermain lebih baik daripada atlet non-elite, sedangkan karakter sportif pada atlet elite dan non-elit memiliki karakter sportif yang sama pada kategori sangat tinggi meskipun jika dilihat dari persentasenya pada atlet non-elite menunjukkan hasil yang lebih besar.


Comparison of the Playing Skills and Sportsmanship Characters of Elite and Non-Elite Football Athletes Ages 14-16 Years in DIY


This study aims to observe the playing skills and sportsmanship of elite and non-elite athletes aged 16 years in Yogyakarta. This research is quantitative descriptive. The subjects of this study were elite and non-elite soccer athletes. The population that the researchers determined was elite and non-elite football athletes aged 16-18 years at soccer schools in the DIY province. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive random sampling, in order to obtain 25 elite athletes and 25 non-elite athletes. The instrument in this study used a performance test of playing skills to determine playing skills and a sporty character questionnaire to determine the sportsmanship character of athletes. Data analysis technique with percentage descriptive. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that the passing skills of elite athletes were 100% in the very high category, while only 36% of non-elite athletes had very high categories. 100% elite athletes have very high receiving skills while 36% non-elite athletes are in the moderate category. Elite athletes have very high dribbling skills by 88% and non-elite athletes are mostly in the medium and low category, namely 24%. The heading skill of elite athletes is in the very high category of 36%, while non-elite athletes are in the very low category, namely 76%. In terms of sportsmanship, cooperation between elite and non-elite athletes are both in the very high category with a percentage of 64% and 96% in cooperation, 60% and 84% of respectful character, while in discipline 68% of elite athletes and 84% non-elite athletes. So it can be concluded that elite athletes have better playing skills than non-elite athletes, while the sportsmanship character of elite and non-elite athletes has the same sportsmanlike character in the very high category even though when viewed from the percentage of non-elite athletes, the results show the greater one.


Keterampilan; karakter; sportif; sepakbola; skills; character; sportsmanship; football

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