Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Himpunan Wirausaha Transmigrasi (HW Trans) Di Kawasan Industri Terpadu Mandiri Rasau Jaya Melalui Pendampingan KKN-PPM

Nuraini Asriati, FKIP UNTAN
- Ngusmanto, FKIP UNTAN
Endang Purwaningsih, FKIP UNTAN


Outcomes HW TRANS community empowerment through mentoring KKN-PPM include: 1) The ability of the knowledge and skills of students in the introduction of technology venture production of traditional food preparations; 2) Increasing the number and quality of production; 3) Legality higinies packaging and labeling, and PRT efficient; 4). The expansion of marketing efforts at HW Trans zone; 5). Increased revenue HW Trans business owners; 6). The formation of communities and industrial centers HW Trans mapping; 7) The pattern of mentoring and coaching program KKN PPM students; and 8) Form synergy of cooperation and partnership between the universities and the government. KKN-PPM is carried out for 3 months followed by 20 students of the faculty of Mathematics Physics and mathematics courses are concentrated in the hamlet RT 03 / RW 023 Jl. Suka Damai Jaya Rasau Jaya spread over 10 business owners HW each 2 students accompanied by three lecturers field. KKN PPM is done with the preparation, implementation and evaluation, and continued kontuinitas program. KKN PPM has started with site surveys KKN-PPM, working together with the HW TRANS, recruiting students to choose the time and place of execution, giving knowledge. Activities undertaken during the KKN PPM students include: 1) Mentoring production management, financial management, human resource management, business legality, and marketing management.; 2) Engaging in the process of production to marketing business owners HW Trans; 3) Making the signpost the name of the business owner; 4) The product showcase business owners; 5) counseling; and 6) Assistance kemasyarakatan.Evaluasi implementation of social activities conducted by Team KKN-PPM, Chairman HW Trans, and the KKN PPM LPPKM.Kegiatan is running smoothly and orderly due to: 1) be held on the college student holiday; 2) received a positive response from the community Rasau Jaya especially business owners who are members of the Trans HW; 3) the moral support of the Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Tanjungpura; and 4) The intensity of assistance from the supervisor field

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