Exwan A.V,
Akhmad Rivai,
Riska Putri,
Niwang Tungung,


Student Creativity Program of "Lombok Rawit" standing for Latihan Among
Bekso dan Karawitan (practicing dancing and playing gamelan) is motivated by a will
to make the traditional Javanese gamelan music and dance as a means of therapy for
mentally retarded students. Through this program, the mentally retarded children are
expected to be familiar with the Javanese culture, while getting a therapy to reduce
emotional and behavioral deviations. This program is implemented to the mentally
retarded children in Special School E Prayuwana Yogyakarta. There are 25 students in
the school. The training was conducted from April to July, 2014. The results achieved
after the training are (1) the increase of the value of the post-test is by 68%. This percentage
is obtained from the tabulated results from the instrument, which show a
reduction in the number of occurrences. The characteristics of mentally retarded
children are hyperactivity, fear, antisocial, etc. (2) The team of this program manage to
hold a simple form of collaborative performances of gamelan and dance by the
children. (3) The team also manage to compile teaching materials in the form of modules
and CD of gamelan and dance lessons for children so that it can be used widely
by teachers and therapists of mentally retarded children. Based on the results of the
program, it can be concluded that the training of "Rawit Lombok" can be used as a
therapeutic tool for such children. Based on the effectiveness of this program, the
team of the program try to do a follow up in the form of mentoring and socialization,
so that a similar program can be applied to other mentally retarded children in other

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