Ida Rochanib Adi, UGM
Heddy Shri Ahimsa, UGM
Gerong lyrics as the only orality in the Prambanan Ramayana ballet no longer present
the story of Rama in its entirety. Although most gerong lyrics contain the scenes, the singers
are not always fixated on the lyrics, but prioritize the tones of the chants. This study aims
to reveal the structure and formula of gerong chants in the Prambanan Ramayana ballet. It
used Levi-Strauss’ structuralism theory and Albert Lord’s formula theory and employed
the qualitative descriptive method. The data were gerong lyrics and their chanting and
various supporting orality elements. The results of the study show that the structure in
the form of geronginter-lyric relation does not show the Ramayana story plot. In addition,
a gerong chant formula is found. The chant formula becomes one of the developments of
Lord’s formula theory giving priority to the formula of the oral lyrics.
Keywords: Ramayana Ballet, structuralism, formula, gerong, chants
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