
Issue Title
Vol 20, No 1 (2024) The Effect of Self-Confidence on Mental Toughness of Adolescent Pencak Silat Athletes Abstract  PDF
Mifta Naliza, Dian Estining Wijayaningsih, Abdillah Arju Hudaya, Ryan Pebrian, Randy Adi Firmansyah, Abdul Alim, Risti Nurfadhila, Muhammad Irvan Eva Salafi, Ratna Budiarti
Vol 17, No 2 (2021) Hambatan dan tantangan proses pelestarian budaya lokal dalam konteks seni tradisi pencak silat di tasikmalaya Abstract  PDF
Heri Yusuf Muslihin, Oyon Haki Pranata, Wulan Nurlaela, Cahyana Cahyana
Vol 16, No 2 (2020) Analisis Penilaian Prestasi Teknik Dalam Pertandingan Pencak Silat Abstract  PDF
Agung Nugroho
Vol 19, No 2 (2023) Development of android-based self-assessment applications basic pencak silat techniques SMAN 1 Bengkalis Abstract  PDF
Mukhti Fadhli Kurniawan, Nurul Ihsan, Roma Irawan, Aldo Naza Putra
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