Efek rendam air dingin terhadap kadar laktat, power otot tungkai dan nyeri otot pada atlet futsal mahasiswa

Harun Harun, Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon, Indonesia
Rini Syafriani, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


Futsal adalah olahraga intermitten-intensitas tinggi yang memerlukan keterampilan fisik yang tinggi serta memiliki jadwal pertandingan yang padat dan waktu pemulihan yang singkat saat masa kompetisi. Pemulihan yang optimal akan sangat diperlukan setelah latihan fisik yang intensif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek rendam air dingin terhadap kadar laktat, power otot tungkai, dan nyeri otot pada atlet futsal mahasiswa. Sebelas pemain futsal mahasiswa melakukan latihan futsal-specific intermitten shuttle protocol (FISP) selama 2 pekan dan 2 jenis pemulihan yang berbeda pada setiap pekannya. Pekan pertama semua pemain melakukan istirahat pasif (PAS), pekan kedua diberikan treatmen rendam air dingin (RAD). Kadar laktat, tinggi countermovement jump (CMJ) dan nyeri otot diukur sebelum latihan, setelah latihan, setelah pemulihan, dan 24 jam setelah pemulihan. Perubahan hasil pengukuran diolah menggunakan uji-t berpasangan (p<0,05). Kelompok pemulihan PAS dan RAD tidak menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna pada pengukuran kadar laktat segera setelah pemulihan (p>0,05). Namun, terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada pada performa CMJ pada kelompok RAD dibanding kelompok PAS segera setelah pemulihan (p=0,001) dan pada 24 jam setelah latihan (p=0,033). Kelompok RAD signifikan menurunkan nyeri dibandingkan kelompok pasif 24 jam setelah pemulihan (p=0,009). Krioterapi efektif dalam mempercepat pemulihan power otot tungkai segera dan 24 jam setelah pemulihan dibandingkan istirahat pasif dan nyeri otot 24 jam setelah pemulihan. Namun, RAD tidak signifikan menurunkan kadar laktat.

The effect of cold water immersion on blood lactate, leg muscle power and muscle soreness in collegiate futsal athletes



Futsal is a high intensity-intermittent sport and need a high performance skills. It is often played in consecutive days and have short recovery. An optimal recovery is strongly required after repeated intense physical exertion. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of a single session of cold water immersion (CWI) and passive recovery (PAS) on blood lactate and muscle leg power in collegiate futsal players after futsal-Specific Intermittent Shuttle Protocol (FISP) exercise. Experimental counterbalance crossover is used in this study. Eleven collegiate futsal players participated in 2 weeks and received a different recovery strategy in different week. During week 1, all players completed PAS dan during week 2 all players received CWI. Blood lactate and countermovement jump (CMJ) were measured pretraining, post training, post treatment, and 24 hours post training. Changes in blood lactate and height of CMJ within PASS and  CWI were analyzed with independent t-test (p<0,05). There was no differences on blood lactate immediately after recovery (p>0,05) between all type of recovery. CMJ in CWI group was significant than PAS group immediately after recovery ( p=0,001) and 24 hours after recovery (p>0.03). The conclusion is CWI effective in accelerate recovery leg muscle power immediately and 24 hour after treatment and there was an effect on muscle soreness  24 hours after treatment than passive recovery. Furthermore, there was no differences on blood lactate immediately after recovery between two type of recovery.


cold water immersion, blood lactate, countermovement jump, muscle soreness

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/jorpres.v17i2.44615


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