Nani Cahyani, Divisi Kedokteran Olahraga, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Cardiac arrest is the most common cause of sudden death in athletes on the field of play. There are reports of cardiac arrest in athletes 1: 4000 to 1: 8000.Cardiac and non-cardiac causes have been implicated as a causes of death in the field of play. Pre-Participation Evaluation (PPE) has been recommended for primary prevention of cardiac arrest in athletes due to cardiac problems. Prevention of sudden cardiac death on the field of the play should be done by immediate, precise and correct treatment. Immediate, precise and correct treatment can be provided if medical management is well performed before and during the event. Medical management in sudden cardiac arrest treatment on the field of play consists of early preparation, emergency action plan, preparing equipment, personnel, training, communication, transportation and final preparation. An ideal treatment includes elements of the chain of survival from sudden cardiac arrest.
Henti jantung adalah penyebab kematian mendadak terbanyak pada atlet di lapangan permainan. Terdapat laporan kejadian henti jantung pada atlet 1:4000 sampai 1:8000. Penyebab kematian akibat henti jantung di lapangan permainan bisa karena masalah jantung dan masalah selain jantung. Untuk pencegahan primer terjadinya henti jantung pada atlet di lapangan permainan yang disebabkan masalah jantung direkomendasikan melakukan Pre-Participation Evaluation (PPE). Untuk pencegahan terjadinya kematian akibat henti jantung di lapangan permainan harus dilakukan tatalaksana yang cepat, tepat dan benar. Tatalaksana yang cepat, tepat dan benar dapat diberikan jika manajemen medis dilakukan dengan baik sebelum dan saat event berlangsung. Manajemen medis dalam tatalaksana henti jantung di lapangan permainan terdiri dari persiapan awal, rencana kegawatdaruratan, mempersiapkan peralatan, personel, pelatihan, komunikasi, transportasi dan persiapan akhir. Tatalaksana di lapangan permainan yang ideal mencakup elemen rantai keselamatan pada henti jantung.
Kata kunci: henti jantung, lapangan permainan, manajemen medis, penanganan SCA
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/jorpres.v13i2.25107
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