Bridge Assessment Analysis using Sufficiency Rating Method (Case Study of The Mungkung Overpass)
Akhmad Aminullah, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Andreas Triwiyono, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Bridges play a crucial role in connecting various routes and water bodies, necessitating regular monitoring to prevent potential hazards and losses due to deterioration. In Indonesia employs the Bridge Management System (BMS) for decision-making regarding maintenance, repair, and replacement activities, its reliance on a limited set of criteria may lead to uncertainties in bridge condition assessmsents. This study explores the Sufficiency Rating (SR) method as an alternative for assessing bridge feasibility. By considering multiple factors, including structural adequacy, serviceability, functionality, and public interest, the SR method offers a comprehensive approach to bridge evaluation. An analysis of the Mungkung Overpass on the Ngawi Kertasono toll road was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the SR method. The findings classified the bridge as excellent, indicating no immediate need for treatment. However, the SR method has limitations, particularly in visually assessing damage to superstructure and substructure elements, which may introduce subjectivity. Overall, this research contributes to the ongoing development of bridge assessment methodologies in Indonesia, aiming to enhance decision-making processes and ensure the safety and longevity of bridge infrastructure. After analyzing the data obtained through the implementation of the SR method, it was revealed that S1 achieved a value of 45%, S2 achieved 23%, S3 achieved 12.7%, and S4 achieved 6%. The total actual value of the four parameters calculated based on the SR method was 74.7%, with a difference of 25.3% from the maximum value. These findings clearly illustrated that the bridge satisfied the criteria for deficiency, thereby necessitating comprehensive rehabilitation measures to be undertaken.
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