Hrc. Priyosulistyo, UGM, Indonesia
Muslikh Muslikh, UGM, Indonesia
ABSTRAKJembatan merupakan infrastruktur transportasi yang vital. Jika suatu jembatan mengalami kegagalan maka lumpuhlah sistem tersebut. Oleh karena itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai kapasitas sisa jembatan eksisting sehingga dapat dinilai bahwa jembatan tersebut masih layak digunakan atau tidak. Kajian ini dilakukan pada segmen P1-P5 (arah Dawuan) jembatan Cinapel yang terletak di Kabupaten Sumedang. Jembatan ini merupakan jembatan beton prategang. Metode kajian yang digunakan adalah metode load rating factor. Dilakukan dengan menghitung kapasitas dukung gelagar dan plat lantai kendaraan. Standar perhitungan dengan mengacu pada Peraturan Penentuan Bridge Load Rating untuk Jembatan Eksisting dari Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (03/SE/M/2016). Dari hasil perhitungan didapatkan hasil bahwa nilai RF gelagar bentang tepi, bentang tengah, dan plat lantai kendaraan memiliki nilai >1 yang artinya bahwa struktur jembatan Cinapel bentang P1-P5 arah Dawuan aman dalam melayani lalu lintas yang melintasi jembatan.Kata kunci: jembatan beton prategang, load rating factor, struktur atas
ABSTRACTBridges are vital transportation infrastructure. If a bridge fails then the system is chaos. Therefore, this study aims to determine the remaining capacity of the existing bridge where the bridge is still suitable for use or not. This research was conducted on the P1-P5 segment (Dawuan direction) Cinapel bridge located in Sumedang Regency. This bridge is a prestressed concrete bridge. The research method used is the load rating factor method. It was carried out by calculating the carrying capacity of the girder and slab of the bridge. Calculation refer to the Determination for Existing Bridges using Load Rating Factor of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (03/SE/M/2016). The results of calculation obtained that the RF of the outer span girder, middle span, and slab are greater than 1 (RF > 1) which means that the structure of the Cinapel bridge span P1-P5 is safe.Keywords: prestressed concrete bridge, load rating factor, upper structure
ABSTRACTBridges are vital transportation infrastructure. If a bridge fails then the system is chaos. Therefore, this study aims to determine the remaining capacity of the existing bridge where the bridge is still suitable for use or not. This research was conducted on the P1-P5 segment (Dawuan direction) Cinapel bridge located in Sumedang Regency. This bridge is a prestressed concrete bridge. The research method used is the load rating factor method. It was carried out by calculating the carrying capacity of the girder and slab of the bridge. Calculation refer to the Determination for Existing Bridges using Load Rating Factor of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (03/SE/M/2016). The results of calculation obtained that the RF of the outer span girder, middle span, and slab are greater than 1 (RF > 1) which means that the structure of the Cinapel bridge span P1-P5 is safe.Keywords: prestressed concrete bridge, load rating factor, upper structure
jembatan beton prategang, load rating factor, struktur atas
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Copyright (c) 2022 Andika Arief Saputra, Hrc. Priyosulistyo, Muslikh Muslikh

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