Evaluasi Kinerja Bangunan Rumah Sakit Santa Maria Pemalang dengan Non-linier Static Pushover Analysis Metode ATC-40 dan FEMA 440
The study of this final assignment was conducted by evaluating the earthquake-resistant performance of Santa Maria Hospital Structure in Pemalang to figure out the building’s performance level based on the methods of ATC-40 and FEMA 440, as well as to find out the mechanism of formed plastic joints on the beam-column and to predict the collapse behavior. The research method used a response spectrum using a SAP2000v19 program. Based on ATC-40, performance point values for x-direction and y-direction were 0.00433 and 0.00408. Those results show that the reviewed building structure categorized in the performance level of Immediate Occupancy (IO). Meanwhile, the analysis of structure damage level using FEMA 440 has resulted values for structure’s lateral displacement target of x-direction was 0.17819 m and y-direction of 0.13524 m, and categorized in the performance level of Immediate Occupancy (IO). Most of the plastic joint level on the beam and column has been categorized in the Immediate Occupancy (IO). In this category, it can be said that the performance of structure components are still in secured condition when displacement target achieved.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengevaluasi kinerja tahanan gempa Gedung Rumah Sakit Santa Maria Pemalang untuk mengetahui level kinerja bangunan (performance level) berdasarkan metode ATC-40 dan FEMA 440. Serta mekanisme terbentuk sendi plastis pada balok kolom dan memprediksi perilaku keruntuhan. Metode penelitian menggunakan respons spektrum dengan program SAP2000v19. Berdasarkan ATC-40 diperoleh nilai performance point untuk arah x = 0,00433 dan arah y =0,00408. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa struktur gedung yang ditinjau termasuk dalam tingkat kinerja Immediate Occupancy (IO). Sedangkan hasil analisis tingkat kerusakan struktur menggunakan FEMA 440 menghasilkan nilai target perpindahan lateral struktur arah x = 0,17819 m, dan arah y = 0,13524 m dan termasuk dalam kategori tingkat kinerja struktur Immediate Occupancy (IO). Sebagian besar tingkat sendi plastis balok dan kolom masih dalam Immediate Occupancy (IO). Dalam kategori ini dapat dikatakan kinerja komponen struktur masih dalam keadaan aman saat target perpindahan tercapai.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/inersia.v17i2.25511
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