Slamet Widodo, UNY, Indonesia


ABSTRACTThis paper presents the results of the stress distribution analysis on various methods of shear strength test to assess the interface strength between the old and new concrete layers. The shear strength test methods that studied were SHRP dual L-shape test, bi-surface shear test, modified guillotine test, modified FIP direct shear test, and push-out test. The stress distribution results were then used as the basis for the evaluation and modification of the test method of shear strength which is expected to be carried out more easily and gives accurate results. The proposed method is hereinafter referred to as a modified bi-surface shear test with 200x200x200 mm test dimension, 50 mm overlay thickness, using 3 (three) steel plate supports with 50 mm, 100 mm, and 50 mm supported, mounted symmetrical with reference to the position of the shear plane. This method was then applied for the test of 15 shear test variants with a total of 45 samples. Experimental test results show that the proposed method gives an acceptable result with coefficient of variations ranging from 1.322% to 3.054%.Keywords: stress distribution, old and new concrete interface, shear strength.
ABSTRAKMakalah ini menyajikan hasil analisis distribusi tegangan pada berbagai metode pengujian kuat geser interface antara lapis beton lama dengan beton baru. Metode uji kuat geser yang dikaji adalah SHRP dual L-shape test, bi-surface shear test, modified guillotine test, modified FIP direct shear test, dan push-out test. Distribusi tegangan yang diperoleh selanjutnya digunakan sebagai dasar evaluasi dan modifikasi metode pengujian uji geser yang diharapkan dapat dilaksanakan dengan lebih mudah dan memberikan hasil yang akurat. Usulan metode yang dihasilkan selanjutnya disebut sebagai modified bi-surface shear test dengan dimensi benda uji 200x200x200 mm, tebal lapis overlay 50 mm, menggunakan 3 (tiga) tumpuan plat baja dengan lebar tumpuan 50 mm, 100 mm, dan 50 mm, yang dipasang simetris dengan acuan posisi bidang geser. Metode ini diterapkan pada pengujian 15 varian uji geser dengan total benda uji sebanyak 45 sampel. Hasil uji eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa metode yang diusulkan memberikan hasil yang cukup baik dengan nilai coefficient of variations berkisar antara 1,322% hingga 3,054%.Kata Kunci: distribusi tegangan, interface beton lama dan beton baru, kuat geser.

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