Central Kalimantan is a region of the riverside area. Most of the people settled in the riverside area. The
livelihoods of many people of Central Kalimantan as a fisherman. Riverside area is a residential center on the
grounds of water as a source of life and ease to access of transport between regions in Central Kalimantan
Province. The purpose of the research was to explore the pattern of settlements as an adaptation to the physical
environment riverside area. The research located in the residential area of the District Pahandut, Palangka Raya.
Research method used a combination (mix-used method) through the stages of research, among others: (1)
preparation; (2) the implementation phase; and (3) post-implementation phase. Step research through field
observation and exploration data based on interviews with selected native speakers. Furthermore, the results of
field observations and exploration data in the analysis through the tacit knowledge as descriptive interpretative
elaboration on various aspects of local community life. The results showed there are two aspects that affect to
riverside settlement, namely: (1) physical aspect; and (2) non-physical aspect. The second aspects of the
settlement pattern support settlements in those areas riverside towards sustainable development through to
riverside area.
Keywords: analyses, riverside area, settlement
Kalimantan Tengah merupakan wilayah tepian sungai. Sebagian besar masyarakatnya bermukim di wilayah
tepian sungai. Mata pencaharian sebagian besar masyarakat Kalimantan Tengah sebagai nelayan. Tepian
sungai merupakan pusat permukiman dengan berlatar belakang kampung tepian sungai. Falsafah air sebagai
sumber kehidupan dan kemudahan transportasi antar wilayah di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Tujuan penelitian
ialah mengeksplorasi model perbaikan permukiman sebagai adaptasi terhadap lingkungan fisik kawasan tepian
sungai. Lokasi penelitian di kawasan permukiman Kecamatan Pahandut, Kota Palangka Raya. Metode yang
digunakan ialah metode gabungan (mix-used method) melalui tahapan penelitian antara lain: (1) tahap persiapan;
(2) tahap pelaksanaan; dan (3) tahap pasca pelaksanaan. Langkah penelitian yaitu melalui observasi lapangan
(field observation) dan eksplorasi data-data berdasarkan wawancara dengan narasumber terpilih. Hasil observasi
lapangan dan ekplorasi data di analisis melalui tacit knowledge sebagai jabaran deskriptif interpretatif terhadap
berbagai aspek kehidupan masyarakat setempat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat dua aspek fisik yang
mempengaruhi permukiman tepian sungai, yaitu: (1) aspek fisik (physical aspect); dan (2) aspek non-fisik (nonphysical
aspect). Kedua aspek tersebut mendukung model perbaikan permukiman di kawasan tepian sungai
menuju pembangunan berkelanjutan yang berorientasi pada pelestarian kawasan tepian sungai.
Kata kunci: analisis, perbaikan, permukiman, tepian sungai
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